Gianluigi strokes his uncut cock

Menatplay have done it yet again! Not content to rest on the laurels of recent discoveries such as Alex Marte, Ben Brown and Paddy O’Brian, they now bring us the stunner of a man – 27 year old Italian muscle-god, Gianluigi. Born and raised in Rome, Gianluigi is every inch the perfect man, its the kind of stuff our wet dreams are made of. With his stunning chiseled face with his deep, mysterious brown eyes.

His beautiful muscular body which is sculpted to perfection by years of hard gym training. The soft, masculine body hair, that accentuates his muscles perfectly.. what more can we say. Well actually a LOT more because we haven’t even started on the jaw dropping, uncut , thick, 8 incher the man is packing. You’d think someone cannot be that perfect, well in this case you’d be very wrong. Gianluigi is proof that Italians do do it better!

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